Our school
Dedicated to improving student performance
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School has always been committed to excellent academics that is enhanced and supported by additional school programming, which develops the whole child. The innovative academics offered for elementary and middle school students is recognized and appreciated by our SLS families.
What makes the SLS academic program second to none?
All of the SLS teachers meet the necessary certification requirements of the state of Louisiana. Teachers are required to use technology integration in classroom instruction. Textbooks are current and carefully chosen to support the curriculum, which is aligned with the Louisiana Department of Education’s State Standards. SLS uses up-to-date quality instructional technology equipment, hardware, software, electronic databases, wireless access, and web-based communication programs to further enrich instruction and school-home communication.
AdvancEd is an organization that assists schools in their improvement efforts by providing high academic standards that schools must meet in order to be accredited. Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is accredited by AdvancEd and has embedded the school improvement philosophy and process into the culture of the school.
Academic Departments
The curriculum taught by Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is aligned with state curriculum guidelines and AdvancED accreditation standards. It is further enhanced by the school’s pledge to improve student performance as set forth in the School Improvement Plan. The academic needs of each student are supplemented by the SLS Multimedia Library, technology, field studies, and enrichment courses.
Teachers from Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School have cohesively worked to create curriculum maps for elementary and middle school students and they continue to work collaboratively to make curricular adjustments at various grade levels when needed.

Daily religious instruction is administered at each grade level. The skills covered in the religion series are enhanced by daily school and class prayer; school, class, and/or community masses; annual religious themes; service projects; and prayer services.
Language Arts
Students receive both grammatical and practical writing instruction at each grade level. Direct instruction in grammar is applied through a variety of writing experiences.
All students receive art instruction. Our curriculum emphasizes the use of Color, technique, and exposure in relation to famous artists and their works.
Imagine a progressive art studio equipped with a sink, drying racks, tables, artists’ stools, shelves of various colored paints, paper, crayons, markers, paint brushes, and a wide variety of other art media and materials. That is just what you see when you walk into the Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School art studio.
Teachers use a variety of media to teach elements and principles of art while also including instruction in the history of art. Students’ artistic abilities are enhanced as they use diverse art media while learning about famous artists, various art genres, and cultural art influence.
The SLS art studio provides a student-centered learning environment where students can become artists in their own right. Students’ artwork is displayed in the annual SLS Art Walk in the spring of each school year as a testament to their creative accomplishments.

“Every child is an artist.”
– Picasso
Individual Special Needs
In order to receive services, students must be evaluated for a disability or impairment. Evaluations must be completed by one of the evaluators approved by the Diocese of Lafayette or a pediatrician, depending on the circumstance. A list of approved evaluators can be provided upon request.
The Individual Student Needs Program at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is of limited scope based on our curriculum and is not a special education curriculum. Students must have a recent (no older than three years) professional assessment or documentation of a diagnosis of a disability/impairment on file at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School in order to qualify for the program.
Small group tutoring is available in reading for grades 1st through 3rd and in math for grades 2nd through 5th.

Math instruction begins at the Pre-K level with an introduction to basic mathematical concepts through daily calendar and center activities. Students in elementary school receive instruction on math facts and basic operations. Students in middle school are challenged to reach a deeper understanding of math through practical application of basic math and algebra skills. Problem solving skills are an integral part of instruction at all grade levels.
Technological skills are taught through frequent visits to one of our three computer centers. In a rapidly growing technological society, Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School realizes the importance of students becoming proficient in the various forms of technology. The Technology Program at SLS is focused on helping students become competent users of technology. SLS currently meets the Louisiana State requirement of 4:1 students-to-computer ratio, which is made possible through student technology fees which are included in registration. Two computer labs, an iPad lab equipped with a class set of iPads, a library computer center, and computers in the classrooms are all connected wirelessly through our local area network. Every classroom is equipped with interactive boards, whiteboards, mounted projectors, and voice amplification systems. Filtered Internet service is available on all computers. With a four-year replacement cycle in place, SLS will continue to provide current hardware and software for our students and teachers.
Parents are afford the opportunity to monitor their child’s grades on Renweb, an internet site linked to our teachers’ gradebooks. Also available on Renweb: our school calendar, class information, school news, sports information, and club information.
The Technology Curriculum at SLS prepares our students for high school and beyond with seamless integration of technology in their classroom lessons. Our students lives revolve around technology and it is imperative that SLS keep up with their learning styles.
Title 1
Students who meet Title 1 criteria, set by the Lafayette Parish School system receive remediation under the services of Title 1 with an academic interventionist.
Physical Education
In promoting education for the “whole child,” the SLS physical education program offers students instruction in gross motor skills, health, and research in the health and physical education field, as well as skill development for general physical fitness and for various sports and games.
In addition to art instruction, physical education, and technological integration, Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School offers a variety of other enrichment courses that enhance the academic curriculum. Roots and Wings is a guidance program that was developed at SLS by teachers, parents, and the administration and helps students in grades 1st through 5th accept themselves, form positive relationships, and make good decisions. Liturgical music instruction is integrated into the religion program at all grade levels. Spanish is taught weekly to students in both elementary and middle school.
Science Lab
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School has a fully equipped contemporary science lab available for hands-on student experimentation and project-based learning in science. Middle school students frequent the lab at integral parts of various science units while students at every grade level access the lab as needed. Instructional technology equipment, hardware, and software complement the lab experience for students as they are able to use manual and electronic microscopes, connect to Discovery Learning videos, produce electronic presentations, and electronically record results from lab experiences. The science lab provides a learning environment where teachers guide students through inquiry and the scientific method.