Campus Life
Our Students
Striving to meet the needs of every whole child.
As summarized by the Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School Belief Statements, SLS strives to address the needs of the whole child. From the moment students arrive to the end of the school day and in every extra-curricular activity, SLS offers academic, spiritual, physical, emotional, and social support to each student. There are programs in place and activities offered to students in both elementary and middle school.
The emotional and social aspects of the whole child are supported as well. Our religion program serves to coordinate campus religious activities, rituals, and prayers. Lessons in liturgical music enhance the quality of school and class masses. The SLS guidance department directs all standardized testing, student academic classroom accommodations, and personal, social and emotional counseling. In addition, our “Roots & Wings” program provides students with tools to make wise choices for themselves as they build strong character.
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School students may choose membership in one or several other clubs to enhance their SLS experience. These clubs offer experiences for a wide variety of students with a wide variety of interests. From school programming to school facilities, no stone has been left unturned. SLS strives to accommodate the needs of all students.

As students arrive, duty personnel and middle school students are waiting to greet and safely monitor students as they move to their designated locations. Each day, students begin their day with prayer and morning announcements on student-operated networked “KSLS News.”
Technology Lessons
provided through both separate and integrated instruction.
Art Classes
encourage whole brain usage and allow the expression of students’ artistic side.
offer breaks during the school day for students to “recharge” before re-engaging in rigorous study.
Nutrition Program
offers healthy meals to all students at SLS.
Physical Education
allows students to learn athletic skills, practice gross motor skills, and develop physical strength. The PE program is enhanced by additional after-school athletic opportunities in which students may choose to participate.
Campus Life
Students have opportunities for extracurricular activities in a variety of interest areas.
Art Club
Grades 5-8
Students further their knowledge in the arts, including visual and performing arts.
Spelling Bee
Grades 2-8
Students participate in grade-level spelling contests with winning students proceeding to compete at a Regional Spelling Bee.
Grades 1-5
Students and their families are involved in various skills and character building programs.
KSLS, the first of its kind in Lafayette Parish, is Sts. Leo-Seton’s very own closed-circuit news station. Students audition for anchor positions twice each year. The students develop their own introduction, slogan, and framework for the daily announcements, which are broadcast each morning via our closed-circuit network on every television in school. Reporters cover highlights of classes and school events.
Grades 3-5
The Rotary Club of Lafayette North sponsors the first EarlyAct™ Club in Lafayette at SLS. Club members determine their annual community service activities based on Rotary International’s 3-H model, which focuses on health, hunger, and humanitarian concerns.
Students assist with technology maintenance in the classrooms, research timely technical topics and learn cutting-edge technology, with access to advanced hardware and software.
Student Council
Grades 4-8
Student representatives and leaders are selected to promote good citizenship, and school spirit, while contributing to a Christian atmosphere.
Peer Mediation
Grades 5-8
Students are trained to be peer mediators and they assist other students who have disputes, develop resolutions that are acceptable to all parties.
National Jr. BETA Club
Grades 6-8
Middle school students that meet academic requirements participate in this national service organization.
Lion Ambassadors
Each year, students in 7th grade apply to be a Lion Ambassador for their eighth grade year. They go through an interview process, application process, teacher evaluations, and must be in good standing academically.
Being a Lion Ambassador gives students the benefit of learning to make connections and work with SLS students. Students selected work throughout the entire year to fulfill the Lion Ambassador mission, which is to instill pride among the student body and promote the school to all past, present and future SLS students. Our Ambassadors assist with Grandparent’s Day, Academic Pep Rally, Open House and numerous events and activities. Most importantly, our Ambassadors guide prospective families on tours during Open House.
Our Ambassadors have the highest amount of respect for themselves and their peers and all work together to fulfill the Lion Ambassadors creed of: Pride, Loyalty, Spirit, and Enthusiasm.

Lion Ambassadors
Emma Alvarez
Jackson Darby
Adison Degeytaire
Annah Dodge
Anna Frederick
Leah Frizzell
Rylin Lange
Aiden Matte
Loran Meche
Riley Mhire
Everett Patin
Ana Prejean
Ava Robin
Rowan Rodrigue
Catherine Smith
James Viator

Campus Life
Character Education

Reaching for Respect
All students deserve to attend a school that provides a safe and positive place to learn. Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School has developed a schoolwide bully prevention program, Reaching for Respect, that combines instruction, intervention, and recognition to promote respect for all school stakeholders. The Reaching for Respect program is a coordinated effort by all SLS stakeholders, including the STAR (Students Teaching About Respect) bully prevention student group. SLS students participate in weekly class meetings to discuss appropriate respectful behaviors and intervention strategies they can use if they encounter bullying or disrespect. Students who demonstrate positive, respectful behavior are recognized with a “Starburst” honor and are awarded with incentives and prizes.
Through a coordinated effort by all the adults and students in the school, SLS Lions Reaching for Respect!
Core Essentials
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School has partnered with Chick-fil-A in Lafayette to incorporate Core Essentials, a character education program for our students in first through fifth grade. Core Essentials provide a “value of the month” that encourages individual classrooms, the entire school, and every family to emphasize the same aspects of each value. A value is an inward belief or attitude that affects someone’s outward behavior. The values that Core Essentials stress are common attitudes that every parent and teacher wants children to learn and demonstrate. Core Essentials is structured around a three-year plan that highlights nine different values each year based on the nine months of the school year.
Roots and Wings
Every child needs “roots” and “wings” to grow in this world. Roots are assets, such as one’s faith, family/community relationships, values, and attitudes. Wings are the positive behaviors and skills that each child practices in order to grow in their ability to freely and responsibly make choices.
Roots and Wings, SLS’s own guidance program, is a positive youth development program that seeks to help students accept who they are, form positive interpersonal relationships, improve decision-making skills, and experience a sense of community. First grade through fourth grade participate in weekly lessons. Pre-K, kindergarten, and fifth grade also participate in lessons throughout the year.
Campus Life
Safe Environment
The Diocese of Lafayette, in accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has made a commitment to providing a safe environment for our children. As directed by the Diocese of Lafayette, all Catholic school employees and volunteers must undergo annual Safe Environment training and certification in order to have direct contact with the children in our schools. All parents or grandparents who wish to chaperone field trips and student activities, assist in the classrooms, help in the library or cafeteria, or serve in any capacity in which they will have direct contact with our students must complete Safe Environment training each year before being allowed to do so.
SLS depends on our parent volunteers to be able to provide excellent programs for our students, so it is extremely important for all parents to attend a Safe Environment session each year. SLS offers trainings during the summer and a few right after the school year begins. If you do not attend training during that time, you will be responsible for finding training from another school or church parish. Please remember: if you attend training in another school or church parish, please contact the Safe Environment coordinator.
For Recertification
There are 2 options for yearly re-certification.
(1) Attendance at an annual Diocesan approved PTC meeting usually held in the spring.
(2) The Diocese has approved an online service to complete Safe Environment recertification. Only those parents and volunteers who have already completed the initial training can use this online recertification service.
You can complete this recertification training at your convenience at
For more information, contact:
(337) 234-5510