Counseling Program

Our Support


The Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School’s Professional School Counseling Program is a comprehensive counseling program that assists our students and families in their personal, academic, and career development. The counseling department abides by the ethics and guidelines advocated by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).


The mission of Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School’s Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmentally age-appropriate school counseling program that is aligned with the American School Counselor Association national standards for school counseling programs that address the academic, social-emotional, and career awareness needs of all learners.


Sts. Leo-Seton’s Counseling Program vision is to empower all students with the skills to become spiritually, emotionally, and academically successful in the school, the home, the community, and the world.

What does the School Counselor do?

The School Counselor offers:

  • Classroom guidance lessons at all grade levels
  • Individual support for students’ personal, academic, and career awareness needs.
  • Small group support for students on topics such as grief, divorce, stress management, social skills, and study skills.
  • Consultations and collaboration for administrators, faculty, students, and families
  • Community resources and referrals if needed

How can a student see the counselor?

  • The student may request to go to the counselor’s office.
  • A teacher can refer a student by filling out a counselor referral form.