Our Legacy. Together.
Sts. Leo-Seton
The Fund
The Fund for Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is the school’s program for annual giving. It is the vehicle by which alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents and friends provide financial support to help keep Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School strong. Contributions to The Fund for Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School represent real savings for their families.

Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
Gift of Securities
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School welcomes gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds as a great way to support the school. Not only would your contribution entitle you to an income tax charitable deduction, you may also avoid capital gains taxes.
Why Give?
What is your legacy?
The task of ensuring Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School’s future rests with those who invest in the school with a vision for tomorrow. Planned giving is a way to leave a lasting legacy of support for the school. There are many vehicles to make a planned gift, all of which provide their own opportunities and advantages for you and Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School.
Planned gifts secure the future of Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School. Making such a gift now ensures that future SLS students will have the same opportunities to succeed as do our current students. It’s an investment that goes a long way.
A planned gift made to Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School, like most other gifts, can be restricted or unrestricted. Because of the uncertainty of the school’s future needs, donors often make their bequests unrestricted, in order to allow Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School to utilize the funds where they are most needed. By making a planned gift, you are proactively planning for future students and their success.
Benefits of Giving
In addition to supporting the mission of Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School, a planned gift can provide to you substantial tax advantages, especially on gifts of stocks and real estate. The total income, estate, and capital gains tax savings and the probate expense savings can come close to the amount transferred.
The benefits include:
• An Income Tax Deduction
• Reduced Capital Gains Taxes
• Reduced Probate Costs and Estate Taxes
• Income for Life
Simply by taking advantage of incentives the IRS provides, you and your advisor can craft a gift that fits your needs, as well as the needs of Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School.
A planned gift makes it possible for you, your loved ones, and Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School to all benefit.
Ways to Give
The most common way to make a gift to Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is to write a check.
Stocks & Bonds
Giving appreciated stock that you have owned for more than one year is one of the most tax-advantaged ways to make charitable gifts. With careful planning, you can reduce your capital gains tax while supporting Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School.
Retirement Assets
A gift of your retirement assets, such as an employee retirement plan, IRA, or tax-sheltered annuity, is an excellent way to make a gift. A gift of these assets can shield you or your heirs from taxes while funding Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School’s future.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a valuable asset for making a charitable gift. You can make a gift of a life insurance policy without diminishing other investments or assets earmarked for family members.
Real Estate
A gift of real estate allows you to preserve your cash assets, receive tax and income advantages and make a significant charitable gift to Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School.
Contact Us to Give Today
Contact our Development office for information on gift strategies that can help you support Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School and provide significant benefits to you and your family.
Development Office:
Ashley G. Patin | Development Director
(337) 234-5510