All Saints’ Day:

Celebrating Ordinary Individuals with Unmeasurable Faith

As October comes to an end, we observe one of the Church’s Holy Days of Obligation – All Saints’ Day. This Catholic tradition, which begun by Pope Boniface in 609 AD, takes place every year on November 1st. On this day, Catholics across the globe attend Mass to celebrate the lives of the saints and thank God for the examples they have set for us.

At Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School, we remember the saints in all that we do. Each day, we strive to continue living out Christ’s teachings, encouraging a community of service, and aiming for excellence, just as the saints did.


St. Leo the Great

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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

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The saints, like St. Leo the Great and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, were ordinary people. Some of these individuals lived hundreds of years ago, and some of them lived in modern times. Some endured much suffering in life, while others had fewer hardships but were expected to give more of themselves through serving others. Each saint’s story is unique. However, they all have one thing in common. They each found Christ at a point in their lives and chose to give their hearts to Him. 

As Catholics, we come together each year to remember these individuals and celebrate their faith on All Saints’ Day. We do this as a reminder that sainthood is not for perfect people. Sainthood is for imperfect people who strive each day to have unconditional love in their hearts and complete faith in God. Because it is through love, faith, and all of God’s grace that we find perfection.

Following in the Footsteps of the Saints

On All Saints’ Day, the Church calls us to remember individuals who lived with a constant desire to follow Christ’s call to holiness even on their most challenging days. By learning more about the lives of the saints, we can better see the road to sainthood in our own lives.

In 2011’s papal audience, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the crowds, speaking on this topic, in what is now known as his “universal call to holiness.” 

“We might ask ourselves: can we, with our limitations, with our weaknesses, aim so high? During the Liturgical Year, the Church invites us to commemorate a host of saints, the ones, that is, who lived charity to the full, who knew how to love and follow Christ in their daily lives. They tell us that it is possible for everyone to take this road. In every epoch of the Church’s history, on every latitude of the world map, the saints belong to all ages and to every state of life; they are actual faces of every people, language, and nation. And they have very different characters.” 

This address reminds us that being a saint is rooted in living a life for Christ with faith and humility. No matter where or who we are, it is never too late to begin walking the path of holiness. 

Answering the Call to Holiness with Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School

The life of St. Leo, the first pope after St. Peter, reminds us it is Christ who equips and guides us in the faith. Likewise, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s life shows us how to hold onto hope in uncertain times and find joy in suffering. Through their example and intercession, we continue to strive for Heaven each day. 

If you want your child to grow in both knowledge and faith, Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is right for you! Give us a call at (337) 234-5510 or visit our Admissions page to learn more about how your child can become a lion. 

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