
A Season of Excitement

Advent, Latin for, “to come” is a season of joyful waiting in the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. This is a time we, at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School, remind our students about the upcoming celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, how do we celebrate in the waiting?

Preparing for the Birth of Jesus

As Mary and Joseph waited, we are also waiting to celebrate the greatest gift given, Jesus. This means preparing our hearts and homes for Him to enter, as this is where our Lord will dwell. St. Augustine reminds us of the longing we have for Jesus that pushes us forth with excitement, especially during the Advent season.

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

St. Augustine of Hippo

As we break out the decorations and pour hot cocoa, it’s a good time for us to remember that we are also in a prayerful season, pondering the goodness and excitement to come when the Christmas season begins on December 25th. We are given a glimpse of the joy that comes with the nearness of Christ from St. Elizabeth during the visitation:

“For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy”

Luke 1:44

This is why we encourage our students to be joyful in their Christmas celebrations each day, keeping an open heart ready to receive Christ and all the gifts that His birth brings.


Celebrate Advent Like a Lion

Jesus Christ humbled Himself to be with us, to know us, and to love us. This is a precious gift that we, as a school, get to dive deeper into with our students, allowing their understanding of the Catholic faith to grow. What better way to spend this December than filling with excitement at the nearing of Jesus’ birth?

If you want your child to grow in knowledge and faith while celebrating, Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is right for you! Give us a call at (337) 234-5510 or visit our Admissions page to learn more about how your child can become a lion.

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