Several weeks ago, we did a Q&A video on Facebook in an effort to reach out to parents of Pre-K students. We decided that it would be helpful to compile the questions and answers from that video, along with a curriculum overview and teacher introductions, into an informative blog for parents of Pre-K students, both current and incoming. (Additionally, you can read one of our recent blogs that goes into more detail on why to send your student to Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School!)
Pre-K Curriculum Overview
Our Pre-K students begin their days with morning buckets. This is a time for them to use problem-solving skills and socialize safely with friends. The contents of the buckets change frequently so that the students are constantly learning new things. After this, we begin with morning prayer, KSLS news, the Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements.
Throughout the day, our students participate in activities to improve motor skills, as well as participating in enrichments, including ELA, math, social living, PE, and art classes. Our Pre-K students also have 30 minutes of religion, 30 minutes of recess, 25 minutes of lunchtime, and about 2 hours of nap time during each school day.
Meet our Pre-K Teachers

Victoria Smith
Victoria has been a Pre-K teacher at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School for 14 years, and currently has two children attending school here at Sts Leo-Seton Catholic School. Each year, she looks forward to meeting her new students and enjoys getting to know each of them.

Emily Hebert
Emily is an Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School alum and has been teaching here for eight years. Her favorite part of being a Pre-K teacher is the fun that automatically comes with the job! According to Emily, “They are so excited about every little thing we learn, and they make the most of each lesson and each day. Their excitement and love for learning reminds me why I do what I do. They are innocent little people with big feelings, so helping them navigate their feelings and learn how to communicate with others is a really cool thing to be a part of.”
Her advice for parents is plain and simple, “They are kids! They will not be perfect. They will make mistakes and go through growing pains that look different from time to time. They are being exposed to a lot of new information at school and learning and growing every minute. It is a beautiful and exciting process, so have fun and let them be kids.”
Emily explains what makes our school so special saying, “Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School is a gem. It is a place where teachers know many of the students and families on a personal level and continue to keep up with students’ lives after they move on to higher grades. It is a place where higher order thinking, responsibility, sense of self, and love for Christ are instilled. Our Pre-K curriculum is one that emphasizes hands on and developmentally appropriate activities. Many of our lessons can be student led and ignite the imaginations of our youngest students. We encourage the students to talk to each other, solve problems, work as a team and cheer on each other’s successes.”

Sara St. Romain
Sara is the newest member of our Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School Pre-K teacher family, and while this is her first year teaching at our school, she has 11 years of prior teaching experience. In talking about what she loves about her job, Sara said, “My favorite part about being a Pre-K teacher is that I get to start off their educational journey. I get to expose them to things that they will use through the years and show them that learning is fun!”
Advice that she has for parents is, “Read to them. When you read to your child you are letting them discover so many things.” When speaking about why our school is the right choice, Sara said, “Parents should choose Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School because it is an amazing school. The students are loved by their teachers, and they never stop learning throughout the school year. Our school also has great enrichments that the students look forward to attending.”
How much communication do parents and teachers have?
“Parents and teachers speak about once a week. This varies depending on school events, but we ensure that parents are always very much informed.” – Emily
What does a typical day in Pre-K look like?
“Each day is very fun and includes teamwork exercises. Morning buckets, which have curriculum ties and help the students socialize, are done first. We then begin every day with prayers, the Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School mission statement, the Pledge of Allegiance, news, what’s for lunch, and announcements. Throughout the day, schedules differ since we have different enrichments throughout the week, but the students have recess, 30 minutes of religion, snack and nap time, and lunch each day. We close the day together with afternoon prayer then dismissal.” – Emily
What enrichments do Pre-K students get?
“Art- They get to use paint, colors, and chalk.
PE- They get physical education in the gym and on the playground.
Library- They can check out books and bring them home to read.”
– Sara
How can parents prepare kids for Pre-K?
“With Proper Exposure – Read to your kids, and show them colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. We will spend time with them in small group teaching to further this knowledge, so, at home, give them exposure to these things.” – Emily
What is the average class size?
“The Pre-K classes have 18 children on average with a 9:1 student, teacher ratio. Our classrooms have tables with dividers that students sit at which allow them to socialize safely.” – Sara
How are Pre-K students taught to live out their faith?
“Faith is one of the main priorities here at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School. There are 30 minutes of religion where students learn prayers, sing songs, make crafts, and learn bible stories. We also watch mass in our classrooms every week. Students have 45 minutes of living faith which encourages them to show others that God is in their heart and what acts of service can do for others. As a way to further this initiative, each grade partners with an organization, as well as having community service partners.”
– Emily
What sports are offered for Pre-K students at Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School?
“Co-ed soccer is offered in the fall and spring. Kids play in the Catholic league and get to show their lion pride!” – Victoria
What school supplies are needed?
“Parents of Pre-K students do not need to shop for school supplies because the teachers go shopping before the start of the year. The supply fee is included in tuition.” – Sara
What disciplinary actions are taken during the day?
“We focus on positive discipline with students who are making great choices. We use our words, have discussions, and sometimes, we model and act out situations to point out the best ways to respond. Parents are notified each day about how their child’s day was: if they had a great day or if there is something we are working on. For parents, taking a moment at home to point out the positive when they have a great day is extremely helpful.” – Victoria
How old does the child have to be to enter Pre-K?
“The child has to turn 4 by September 30th in order to join the Pre-K class for that school year.” – Sara
Choose Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School for Your Pre-K Student
If you are interested in sending your Pre-K student to Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School, or have any other questions about our curriculum or our school, call 337-234-5510. We are still accepting applications for admissions for Pre-K students and would love to have your family join our Lion family!